This wedding was brought to you by the story of “Holly” by All Time Low + 4th of July 2019 😂☠️
If you’ve met me in person there’s a good chance I’ve talked about 2019 fourth of July being one of the best fourths I have ever had.
It was on this trip I met this bright smiled curly-haired Holly and we became fast friends ‼️
I mean, my friend you know the rest, we had the honor of not only doing her wedding but jamming out to a song practically in her name that exists as the ANTHEM to her relationship with my now other dear and fast friend Michael!
This wedding was one of those that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget. Even now I look back and can feel the joy of the Lord that existed there. And better yet, our team walked away with more friends.
Rightfully so, I don’t know how you could NOT leave some love for Holly + Michael in the comments (office fans anyone?)